Friends of Temagami - Annual General Meeting 2021

Friends of Temagami - Annual General Meeting 2021

Oct. 16th, 2021 on Zoom @ 0900

The Board of Directors with the Friends of Temagami would like to invite you to join us for our Annual General Meeting on Saturday October 16th, 2021 @ 0900. Due to the uncertainty of COVID-19 Delta variant the BOD decided to have the meeting virtually again this year. It is unfortunate to not have the opportunity to meet in person at Smoothwater again this year, yet we will continue to look forward to being there next year.

FOT Board of Directors - Nominations and Elections

The FOT BOD has 14 Director positions, with a current number of 13 Directors. We have had some significant changes with the BOD over the past year. There are 3 Interim Directors (appointed by the BOD in February 2021), they will be subject to the election/ acclamation process this year. Also, there are 5 current Directors due for re-election/ acclamation this year. There is 1 vacant Director position open.  

We do not require a full 14 Directors, however, if there are more than 14 members nominated for the available positions there will be an elections process by vote. Any FOT member in good standing can nominate any other FOT member in good standing for a Director position. The process includes requiring a seconding of the nomination, and the nominee’s acceptance. We will handle this process simply with a discussion with the nominee and will offer a second, along with the nominee’s acceptance. We will then fill the open positions through acclamation, or a vote at the beginning of the FOT AGM on Zoom. The Directors vote will be held at ~ 0930.

Please send any nominations to:

Interim FOT Secretary for the AGM

Please note, nominations are not required prior to the meeting, yet it is helpful to us for time allocation purposes. 

Proxy Voting

If you are unable to attend, you may still vote by proxy. As a member in good standing of the Friends of Temagami you have the option of assigning another member your proxy vote. You may designate your proxy to any other FOT member in good standing. We will send out a list of Directors who will be in attendance at this year’s meeting along with a proxy form later this week. Simply reply to the email with the name of the FOT member you want to assign your proxy to. We do have a requirement to meet quorum of 1/5 of the FOT membership, so assigning your proxy is most important to us.

If you have not renewed your FOT membership this year, we would be most pleased if you did soon. We have recently sent out a reminder to those members that are due.

It is unfortunate that we will not be able to meet in person again this year, yet it will allow us to reach and include any FOT member that would like to join us or participate in the AGM who would not normally be able to do so. We hope you are able to join us for the day, or any part of the meeting. We will be sending out correspondence with updates and news after the AGM in case you are unable to join us.

We will have a social time at the end of the general meeting (early afternoon).

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Emily Lebeck, Interim FOT Secretary for the AGM at the above address.

Take good care,

PJ Justason, President 

Friends of Temagami

On behalf of the FOT Board of Directors