Temagami boasts over 4,700 km of canoe routes — more than triple that of Algonquin. FOT lobbies to protect these waterways and portages from harm, including logging, cottage development, and simple neglect. We are committed to:
- Exploring, restoring, and promoting lost and forgotten routes
- Mapping all routes in Temagami, not just the government-recognized ones
- Cleaning campsites and installing thunder-boxes
- Maintaining and promoting hiking trails
- Encouraging low-impact camping practices
- Lobbying government and industry
- Working with community partners, such as First Nations and cottagers associations
Adopt-a-canoe route
The idea is simple. You pick a canoe route from the list below. Head there on your next trip and give the portages and campsites some TLC.
Want to adopt a route? Need help planning? Contact us through Ask An Expert.
Canoe Routes available for adoption
- Eagle–Aston Loop
- Wolf Lake to Laura Creek
- Skull Lk–Mendelssohn Lk–Greenwater Lk–Bergeron Lk
- North Lady Evelyn River (Beauty Lk to park boundary)
- Wasaksina Loop
- Spawning Lake to Chambers Lake to Red Squirrel Lake
- Maxim Lake Loop
- Reuben Lake to Lowell Lake
- Yorston River
- Pilgrim Creek
- Montreal River at Beauty Lk Road to Gowganda Lk
- Lower Marten River
- Marian Lake Loop
- Jumping Cariboo Lk to Hangstone Lk
- Upper Marten River
- Do maintain existing portages and hiking trails
- Do pick up garbage on existing campsites
- Do install or move pit privies as needed
- Do use hand tools
- Do stay within your personal abilities and always work safely
- Do follow the Ottertooth Temagami Backcountry Ethics
- Do as much work as you are comfortable doing
- Do contact Ontario Parks at (705) 569-3205 to report problems in Temagami parks
And Don'ts
- Don't widen portages unnecessarily or create new trails
- Don't enlarge campsites or create new campsites
- Don't use power tools
- Don't conduct maintenance work in parks or conservation reserves
“I’ve had all the lessons I could get. I’ve learned from everybody I’ve ever met.